Ultimate Turael Slayer Guide OSRS

Setup 1
Lunars – Astral / Cosmic / Dust / Law / Water

If you don’t own a max cape:

  • Replace it with a construction cape (or teleport to house tabs).
  • Replace the royal seed pod with some form of light source (and use the duel arena gnome glider instead).
  • If you have a slayer cape you should also take this along by replacing the Xeric’s talisman if you have one mounted in your POH, or just replace an expeditious bracelet.

Using Turael as a slayer master has 2 primary purposes: – Hunting a desirable task from a higher tier slayer master quickly. This is done by getting a slayer task from a master such as Duradel. If the task is undesirable, you cancel the task with Turael and do a Turael task instead. Then try your luck with Duradel again. Repeat this until you get the task you want.

Note: If you get a big Kalphite task from a high level master (Duradel/Steve) it cannot be skipped with Turael as he also has this task on his table. If you don’t want to kill KQ, it’s strongly recommended to have Kalphites blocked while Turael skipping.

  • Boosting slayer points by doing 9 tasks from Turael then every 10th from your highest tier slayer master. This will net you around 200 points/hr if you use Duradel. However this is somewhat redundant now since wilderness slayer exists and is better points/hr.

The method revolves around using NPC contact to receive slayer tasks from both Turael and your chosen slayer master. The inventory setup allows you to do any Turael task without needing to bank for specific items.

Do not instantly teleport away after finishing a Turael task as you can get the same task back to back either with the slayer cape perk or by cancelling a Duradel task in between the two Turael tasks.

The 4 way bulwark switch is only used for specific tasks (specified below).

Location: Morytania Slayer Tower

Location: Digsite pendant / Sawmill teleport scroll Place the cannon where pictured, then run east to kill the spawns that the cannon can’t reach.

Location: East of Ardougne QP Cape is the quickest way to get here OR BLR Fairy Ring

Location: Champions Guild POH -> Jewellery Box Hit any duck close enough to reach with BP, let the cannon do the rest.

Cave Bugs
Location: Dorgeshuun dungeon. AJQ Fairy Ring, run north then west. IF NO MAX CAPE TAKE A LIGHT SOURCE OF SOME SORT

Cave Crawlers
Location: Relleka Slayer Dungeon, AJR Fairy Ring, run north then west. Teleport directly there with slayer ring.

Cave Slime
Location: Dorgeshuun dungeon AJQ Fairy Ring, run north then west to the triple spawn. IF NO MAX CAPE TAKE A LIGHT SOURCE OF SOME SORT

Location: Lumbridge Spellbook swap, tele to lumby and run here

Crawling Hands
Location: Morytania Slayer Tower Use the room that I’m in on the picture. The larger hands have 19 Hitpoints and the smaller have 16. There isn’t much of a difference in health but I prefer to just the kill the small ones.

Desert Lizards
Location: Al Kharid Desert (east of the river) MAKE SURE YOU BRING ICE COOLERS (Bring 10 more than whatever number of task you have) Teleport to Nardah with the fairy ring (DLQ) in your house. You don’t need waterskins or Des 4 Ammy as you won’t be there long enough to die.

Location: Al Kharid Desert Teleport to Nardah with the fairy ring (DLQ) in your house. You don’t need waterskins or Des 4 Ammy as you won’t be there long enough to die.

Location: White Wolf Mountain. Re-direct tab to Taverly or con cape perk teleport.

Location: South-East of Draynor Manor Spellbook swap to Arceuus and teleport to Draynor Manor. It is directly south of the Sourhogs spot

Location: Zeah Catacombs
Enter catacombs at the center, run east then north. Use bulwark specs, don’t POH after specs.

Location: Ice Mountain Teleport directly to Ice Mountain using Lassar tablet or teleport on the ancient spellbook.

Location: Just outside Shantay Pass. Desert Amulet 4 is the fastest method of Travel.

Location: First floor Stronghold of Security
Teleport with the Skull Sceptre. Enter the stronghold, go a bit south to the room with goblins then east to the room exclusively full of minotaurs. Recharge sceptre if you get skull halves.
Optional: You can bring a bulwark for spec.

Location: Underneath Ape Atoll Use monkey glider from grand tree or al kharid, and chin them down this hole Can still go fairy ring CKR if you don’t want to use chins for whatever reason

Location: Underneath Varrock in the sewers
Teleport to Varrock and go North East to the sewer, go down the ladder and place your cannon down where the picture shows
Optional: You can bring a bulwark for spec.

Location: Al-Kharid Mine
Duel Ring, run north.

Location: Digsite/Sennisten Dungeon
Items Needed: Rope
Teleport to Digsite using the scrolls. Run just east to the closest winch and use your rope on it to lower yourself down into the dungeon. From the rope go south to the room full of skeletons.

Spellbook swap Arceuus spellbook, tele to draynor manor and run to the Sourhog cave to the east

Location: Just outside of H.A.M. Hideout.

Location: White Wolf Mountain
Teleport using the Royal Seed Pod and take the glider. Alternatively teleport to duel arena.

Location: West of the Ecto Altar
Teleport with the Ectophial and run west. Both Cows and Chickens count towards Zombie tasks.