Master Clues OSRS Speed Run Items

Setup 1
Masters (3-4 completions/hour)

You can get Master clues from the other clues besides Beginner. You can also turn in the other clues besides Beginner for a Master. Ways to get Elites are listed in elite

When you have a high level wilderness step it is recommended to bank the Xeric’s talisman, Master scroll book and Slayer ring (eternal). Gearing up the Slayer ring (eternal) is completely optional.

It’s recommended to have the required Sherlock and Falo the Bard items close to each other in your bank. These are listed here:

For the cape slot: Max cape > Any cape with an Ava’s effect. Also have a Crafting cape and Constr. cape in your inventory if you don’t have a Max cape.

Alternatively due to the amount of banking and high level wilderness steps, you can also use a minimalistic version of this setup and only bank what you really need for each step. Here’s an example of how that setup would look like:

It is also recommended to have the following items close to each other in your bank as well as high strength (e.g. a Godsword), ranged attack (from the base setups, you can use Black d’hide chaps and Heavy ballista or something similar) and magic attack bonus equipment:

This spreadsheet shows you the closest teleport to a specific step: