Slayer Point Boosting Guide For UIM – Ultimate Ironman – OSRS

tl;dr: Use Turael or Spria, and do every 10th task at the highest-level slayer master available. Spria is slightly better if you have the mounted amulet of glory. Do every 50th task at Konar for the extra points.

This guide is targeted mainly for early-game accounts who are starting slayer training and need to boost points for blocks and unlocks. The task list is also suitable for higher-level accounts — check the additional notes in the end.


In short: use Turael or Spria, and do every 10th task at the highest-level slayer master available. Do every 50th task at Konar for the extra points.

Spria is slightly faster to get to if you have the mounted amulet of glory. If you don’t have one, use Turael. Both masters have the same task lists.

Do every task you get from Turael or Spria, don’t skip anything. For the 10th task, skip tasks that are very bad, like waterfiends or iron dragons. Keep in mind that you are trying to gain slayer points, so don’t be too picky.

Turael and Spria do not give any points, but their tasks are very easy and short to complete so you get to the point thresholds much faster. You get extra points after every 10 tasks.

  • For example, let’s say you have 70 combat and have already done 2 tasks. Do tasks 3–9 at Turael and then do the 10th one at Chaeldar, so you get 50 points instead of the usual 10. Then continue doing tasks 11–19 at Turael and the 20th one at Chaeldar, and so on.
  • The bonus point multiplier increases the higher the threshold is. If you’re using Chaeldar, you would get 150 points for every 50th task,
    250 points for every 100th task etc.

Do every 50th task at Konar, even if you can use a higher-level slayer master. Konar gives more points than the other slayer masters, and at 50 tasks you get enough extra points for Konar to be worth using over better slayer masters. Otherwise, I recommend not using Konar after 85 combat as her task list is pretty bad compared to Nieve and Duradel.

  • In other words, at 85 combat this would mean you do tasks 10, 20, 30, and 40 at Nieve, and then do task 50 at Konar. After that, you would do tasks 60, 70, 80, and 90 at Nieve, and then do task 100 at Konar, etc.

General information and recommended setup

I recommend having at least 75 combat and decent melee equipment for point boosting. If you are wielding a dragon scimitar and a dragon defender, that should be good enough. If you have very low combat stats and you need to boost slayer points for some reason, consider using the Dorgeshuun crossbow with bone bolts instead of melee.


  • Completion of basic quests and diaries, such as having fairy rings, ectophial, Kandarin headgear, and barrows or rune gloves
  • 66 magic for teleports
  • 50 construction
  • POH in Taverley
  • POH portals to Kourend Castle and Salve Graveyard
  • Mounted amulet of glory and completion of Porcine of Interest if using Spria

Optional but recommended

  • Full graceful
  • Revitalisation pool (stamina) or better
  • Basic or fancy jewellery box
  • Mounted digsite pendant
  • Fairy ring in POH
  • 200+ or 250+ quest points for block slots

If you don’t have the basic jewellery box, make a ring of dueling or two for teleports. If you’re using Turael, run to him from the Taverley house portal. Games necklaces are not worth the time to make.

Equipment and inventory setup

Wear the best melee equipment available. Defensive armor is useless, so don’t bring anything too heavy since you’re running a lot. Wear a graceful piece if you don’t have items like the fire cape or the fighter torso.

The exact inventory setup varies depending on what items and stats you have.

  • Dragon battleaxe or super strengths
  • Super attacks or attack potions if using the dragon battleaxe
  • Runes for teleports and alching
  • Coins
  • Dramen staff
  • Ectophial
  • 1–2 rings of dueling if you don’t have the basic jewellery box
  • Explorer’s ring 3 or Ardougne cloak to note herbs (optional)
  • Graceful (optional)

If you have the stamina pool in the POH, you don’t need to bring the graceful outfit. If you don’t have the stamina pool, then wear full graceful when you’re not killing monsters, and when you’re killing monsters that have no hitpoints like spiders and rats. Restore stats at Clan Wars whenever needed.

Grab these items when needed, drop only if you need to make inventory space:

  • Kandarin headgear for a light source
  • Ice coolers
  • Earmuffs before the slayer helmet
  • Reinforced goggles before the slayer helmet
  • Some food for healing if low combat stats
  • Waterskins if low combat stats

Extra items (optional):

  • Salve amulet (e) before slayer helmet
  • Super energies or stamina potions
  • Rope for skeletons


BansheesSlayer Tower, run north from the Salve Graveyard portal teleport. Restore run energy before heading there. Buy earmuffs if you don’t have the slayer helmet unlocked yet.
BatsThe area between the Varrock sawmill and Paterdomus, use the mounted digsite pendant to the Digsite and run north. Restore run energy before heading there.If you don’t have the mounted digsite pendant, kill giant bats in the Taverley Dungeon. If you only got 15–20 of them, kill them in the dungeon north-east of the Watchtower instead.
BearsLegends’ Guild mine east of Ardougne.
BirdsFairy ring AJS, the penguins count as birds. If you don’t have the fairy ring in POH, kill undead chickens at the farm west of Ectofuntus.
Cave bugsFairy ring AJQ, run a bit east, then north and west, and kill the small ones. Bring a light source.
Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, next to the fairy ring AJR.
Grab an antipoison if you get a high amount of these.
Cave slimes Fairy ring AJQ, run north and then a bit west to the triple spawn. Bring a light source. Don’t need an antipoison for these, the poison does very little damage.
CowsFalador Farm (Explorer’s ring) or Crafting Guild (fancy jewellery box). If you don’t have either of these teleports,
kill undead cows at the farm just west of Ectofuntus.
Slayer Tower, run north from the Salve Graveyard portal teleport.
DogsFairy ring DLQ. Camp the 4 jackal spawns just west to the fairy ring and 3 to the south-west. Shouldn’t need waterskins for these, just restore stats at Clan Wars if needed.
DwarvesTunnel under the White Wolf Mountain. POH teleport to Taverley, run a bit north-west, and climb down the stairs. If you have your house elsewhere, just run there from Turael, Burthorpe, or Camelot.
GhostsCatacombs, run east from the main entrance and then north.
GoblinsLumbridge near the Al-Kharid gate.
IcefiendsIce Mountain, use the jewellery box to Edgeville Monastery and run south-west.If you don’t have combat bracelet teleports, use the Mind Altar portal in POH, enter Wilderness north and quickly exit slightly north-east, and run there around the mountain past Black Knights’ Fortress.If you don’t have the Mind Altar portal either, minigame teleport to Soul Wars, exit the portal to Edgeville and run to the Ice Mountain from there.
KalphitesTask-only cave east of Shantay Pass, fairy ring BIQ and run north-east. Kill the small ones east to the entrance. The Kalphite Lair is slightly worse (even if you have a rope) because the workers are spread apart.
LizardsFairy ring DLQ and run a bit north. Bring ice coolers. Shouldn’t need waterskins for these, just restore stats at Clan Wars if needed.
Minotaurs1st level of Stronghold of Security, second room to the right. Jewellery box to Cooking Guild and run south-west to Barbarian Village. If you don’t have the fancy jewellery box, teleport to Varrock and run west.
MonkeysFairy ring CKR.
RatsVarrock Sewers. Teleport to Varrock, run a bit north-east along the wall, and climb down the manhole.
ScorpionsDwarven Mine near Mining Guild. If you don’t have the fancy jewellery box, do these in the Al-Kharid mine.
SkeletonsDigsite Dungeon. Buy a rope from Ned in Draynor Village if you don’t have one. Use the mounted digsite pendant to the Digsite, run a bit west and then south, and then go east to the nearest winch. Use rope on the winch and climb down, run a bit south-east, and kill skeletons there.If you don’t have the mounted digsite pendant, do these in the Catacombs, just west of the main entrance. Pickaxes can be annoying if you’re below
101 combat.
SourhogsSourhog Cave east of Draynor Manor. Use the Draynor Manor portal, exit the gates south and run north-east. Buy reinforced goggles if you don’t have the slayer helmet unlocked yet.
SpidersNear H.A.M. hideout west of Lumbridge.
WolvesWhite Wolf Mountain, take the gnome glider from Al Kharid.If you have low combat stats or got a lot of these, you can alternatively do these in the 1st level of Stronghold of Security. Kill the wolves in the first room to the east, continue east to the big room, kill the wolves in the southern part and hop worlds.
ZombiesThe farm just west of Ectofuntus, both chickens and cows count as zombies.

Additional notes for higher levels

Kalphites: Desert amulet 4 gets you to the Kalphite Cave faster.

Monkeys: Barrage maniacal monkeys if you can quickly switch to ancients, need a light source for these.

Blowpipe works wonders if you don’t mind wasting scales. Magic shortbow with rune arrows is also decent for some tasks if you’re already geared up for ranged (like coming from a shaman task).

The inventory setup doesn’t really matter if you’re only doing a task or two. Simply grab whatever you need if you need to. The POH location doesn’t really matter either, Taverley is still best for dwarf tasks.

If you’re going to do point boosting more long-term, gear up accordingly.

  • Deathbank some slayer rings, they speed up 3 tasks slightly. Consider also deathbanking unnoted stamina potions, or having noted ones in the inventory and unnoting them as needed.
  • Ectophial only speeds up one uncommon task (zombies) so it isn’t really needed if you’re struggling with space.
  • Expeditious bracelets are not worth making.
  • NPC Contact might be worth using if you have the construction cape, not sure on this.
  • If you’re not ranging, you can use a ham joint (if you have one) against monsters that have very low hitpoints and aren’t spread apart.
  • If you somehow have a Dinh’s bulwark, its special attack is extremely overpowered for some tasks. If you’re going to use it, you’re likely going to need stamina potions as well.