Deep within the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, Brandr, Queen of Fire, and Eldric, King of Frost, are locked in an eternal conflict: a ballad of hot and cold, if you will…
The Royal Titans is our upcoming members-only, dual-boss encounter, rounding out the full complement of giant bosses – something you’ve been asking us to make for ages now, and came out in droves to approve in our most recent Summer Summit! Today we’ll be setting the scene for all of you and giving you a first look at the rewards we’re proposing!

Brandr and Eldric have been expanding their territory from the depths of Karamja Volcano and the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon respectively. Unfortunately, this expansionist streak has thrown both of them into a violent meeting in the middle, it’s up to you to cool tempers down with your signature means of conflict resolution: fighting both of them to the death simultaneously.
The Royal Titans are a dual boss, designed to be fought as a duo but with the option to fight them solo or in a larger group. We’re targeting players around the Level 90 to 110 Combat range here, building on the successes of Scurrius and Perilous Moons to create an encounter that focuses heavily on a key building block in any player’s PvM repetoire: gear switching! This should be a step above Scurrius and Perilous Moons, but shouldn’t prove too challenging for experienced PvMers – though it should still be an enjoyable experience!
For the fight itself, you’ll find yourself stuck in the middle of Brandr and Eldric and have to make use of a small arena to whittle both of them down before striking quick killing blows. You’ll want to bring them down as close together as possible, since without the opposing element to balance them out, you might find yourself dealing with an enraged Titan…
Ordinarily we’re pretty cagey with specifics when it comes to encounters like this, but we imagine many of you might have questions around how we’re looking to make a boss battle that focuses in on gear switching without targeting very experienced players. Each of the Titans will boast a high Magic defence, middling Ranged defence and low Melee defence, meaning you should use Melee as often as possible and Ranged when Melee isn’t an option. Magic is reserved for dealing with additional spawns or obstacles that hinder your movement – make use of Elemental Weaknesses to dispatch additional threats quickly so that you can turn your attention back to the Titans.
The fight should get progressively more difficult over time, allowing you to ramp up as your comfort with switches improves, and we cannot stress enough that you’ll really want to try and bring them down as close together as possible to avoid one of the elements getting out of control.
While the focus is on shoring up your switches, there’ll be some movement elements incorporated (convenient for forcing you to use a Ranged weapon!) and you’re naturally incentivised to swap your offensive prayers, but won’t be expected to do a heavy amount of overhead Prayer switching.
Since it’s a dual boss encounter, we’re setting a Duo-scale as the baseline. You’ll be able to solo them if you like, but their HP won’t scale down and you’d be missing out on a second chance at a juicy unique to split with a friend. Alternatively you could bring an even larger group, but only the top two players in a group will be able to earn rewards.
We think that’s more than enough to go off of for the bosses themselves, so let’s get on to the really fun stuff: rewards!

As we’ve just mentioned, your best reward output will come from taking these down side by side with an Elf, or perhaps side by side with a friend, so be sure to keep that in mind!
Before we talk through uniques, let’s chat loot mechanics. Similar to Araxxor, loot from Brandr and Eldric won’t drop to the floor but will be obtained from you interacting with their corpse – lovely…
What this means is that after a completion, you’ll get to choose either Brandr or Eldric to loot, but not both. They’ll have similar regular loot, but each of them will offer distinct uniques, allowing you to target whichever ones you’re most interested in or missing. In larger groups, the top two players each get to loot one Titan, which could mean both players looting the same Titan or opposite Titans.
Now let’s talk uniques. Given the kinds of players we’re targeting here, we’re naturally exploring gaps that we believe could be filled and serve as neat stepping stones on a player’s journey.

If you’re already into the endgame then you’re not likely to find much of interest here, except for the pet, which will feature a similar ‘Sacrifice’ system to Araxxor so that pet hunters can chase it down without tanking the value of uniques for the appropriately levelled players.

The Twinflame staff is a tradeable staff, made up of one piece dropped by Eldric and one piece dropped by Brandr. Each of these components are tradeable in their own right, but don’t do anything unless combined with the corresponding part.
You’ll need 60 Magic to equip the Twinflame staff, which allows you to autocast spells from the Standard Spellbook – with a twist…
If you’re using the Twinflame Staff and attacking an NPC with an Elemental Weakness, the staff will automatically cast the Elemental spell (up to Wave spells, Surge spells are too powerful for the staff to augment) that the NPC is weak to, so long as you have the means to do so (meaning the appropriate Magic level and runes).
Unlike regular old spellcasting, the Twinflame Staff boasts a 6-tick attack rate, with the added effect of firing off a spell echo effect. You’ll fire off two spells at once (though only your initial spellcast will use runes), with the second hit landing a tick after the first, dealing up to 40% of your maximum Magic damage with the spell that you’re using. This slower attack speed gives it a really weighty feeling and also means that the occasional missed tick is less impactful for players using it, putting it in an interesting position!
From a DPS perspective, it might be a little tricky to look at this description and figure out where it sits. Generally speaking, the Twinflame Staff should outcompete the Trident of the Swamp until you’re around 81 Magic, assuming that your target doesn’t have an Elemental Weakness, and should always be worse than the Harmonised Nightmare Staff if a target does have an Elemental Weakness. The nature of elemental spell scaling compared to the continuous scaling of charged staves means that your DPS won’t significantly increase past unlocking Fire Wave, encouraging you to continue fleshing out your Magic gear progression. Conveniently, it makes for a solid choice at Zulrah, so might be a good option to springboard yourself towards that Magic Fang drop!
If you’d like to see how the Twinflame Staff stacks up with a little more granularity, click on this dropdown for a selection of graphs.
Click here for a handful of DPS graphs!
While these graphs aren’t an extensive look at how the Twinflame Staff stacks up, we’ve included a handful of common use-cases to show you where it sits in the grand scheme of things!
The setup used in all of these cases was: Ahrim’s Hood, Imbued God Cape, Occult Necklace, Ahrim’s Robetop, Ahrim’s Robeskirt, Tormented Bracelet, Eternal Boots, Seers Ring (i), with off-hands specified on each graph.
You’ll notice that the Twinflame Staff remains a strong choice (though far from the Harmonised Nightmare Staff) wherever there are Elemental Weaknesses at play, but is outcompeted by Charged Staves vs. enemies without Elemental Weaknesses as your Magic level starts to improve. Having said that, here’s our selection of graphs!

That’s all we’ve got for rewards! Or at least it would be if there weren’t even more cool stuff!
Poll Question #1: Should we add the Twinflame Staff as a reward from the Royal Titans, as described in the blog?

To recap, our focus with the Royal Titans is on gear switching for players starting to get deeper into their PvM journey. With this in mind, we’d like to explore some untradeable Prayer Scrolls that grant players access to Deadeye and Mystic Vigour, serving as stepping stone prayers between Eagle Eye & Rigour and Mystic Might & Augury respectively. The existing jump between the likes of Eagle Eye and Rigour is huge, we believe there’s space here that can give mid-game players more to work towards while still leaving Rigour and Augury as significant upgrades.
We’re looking to make these untradeable to make them an exciting chase item for the target audience, but players who already have the means to obtain the Dextrous or Arcane Prayer Scrolls from Chambers of Xeric shouldn’t need to grind these out at all.
To save on cluttering up the Prayer interface, the plan here is for Deadeye and Mystic Vigour to override Eagle Eye and Mystic Might, assuming you choose to unlock them. This should leave your UI looking clean and make it easy to re-order your Prayers to keep that muscle memory intact. Part of the plan here is to have these upgraded prayers drain your prayer points at the same rate as Eagle Eye/Mystic Might + Steel Skin, then cut back on the innate Defence from the Prayer itself. This means you’ll be able to turn Steel Skin on for extra Defence and a higher drain rate, or take a small hit to your defensive bonuses for the same drain rate that you’re already used to.
Let’s start by taking a look at Deadeye.
The scroll for Deadeye can be obtained from Eldric, unlocking a Level 62 Prayer which provides +18% Ranged Attack and Strength and +5% Defence.
Here’s a look at how it stacks up against existing Prayers:
Prayer(s) | Ranged Attack % | Ranged Strength % | Defence % | Prayer Requirement | Drain rate | Account progression unlock timing |
Hawk Eye + Rock Skin | 10 | 10 | 10 | 26 | 1 point per 3 seconds | Very early game |
Eagle Eye | 15 | 15 | 0 | 44 | 1 point per 3 seconds | Early game |
Eagle Eye + Steel Skin | 15 | 15 | 0 + 15 | 44 | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | Early game |
Deadeye | 18 | 18 | 5 | 62 | 1 point per 3 seconds | Mid game |
Deadeye + Steel Skin | 18 | 18 | 5 + 15 | 62 | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | Mid game |
Rigour | 20 | 23 | 25 | 74 | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | Late game |
Mystic Vigour
The scroll for Mystic Vigour can be obtained from Brandr, unlocking a Level 63 Prayer which provides +18% Magic Attack, +3% Magic Damage and +5% Defence.
Here’s a look at how it stacks up against existing Prayers:
Prayer(s) | Magic Attack/Defence % | Magic Damage % | Defence % | Prayer Requirement | Drain rate | Account progression unlock timing |
Mystic Lore + Rock Skin | 10 | 1 | 10 | 26 | 1 point per 3 seconds | Very early game |
Mystic Might | 15 | 2 | 0 | 44 | 1 point per 3 seconds | Early game |
Mystic Might + Steel Skin | 15 | 2 | 15 | 44 | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | Early game |
Mystic Vigour | 18 | 3 | 5 | 63 | 1 point per 3 seconds | Mid game |
Mystic Vigour + Steel Skin | 18 | 3 | 5 + 15 | 63 | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | Mid game |
Augury | 25 | 4 | 25 | 77 | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | Late game |
That’s all we’ve got for Deadeye and Mystic Vigour, we’re especially keen to hear what you think of these two, so make sure you let us know!
Poll Question 2: Should we add untradeable Prayer scrolls to unlock Deadeye and Mystic Vigour as a reward from the Royal Titans, as described in the blog? These prayers override Eagle Eye and Mystic Might to sit alongside Chivalry as an impactful mid-game unlock.
Naturally, there’s a little bit of an elephant in the room here with these new prayers being useable alongside Steel Skin and sitting in the low 60s in terms of requirement. While it’s not strictly related to the Royal Titans, we’d like to talk about Chivalry again.
Earlier this year, we floated the idea of a Chivalry Prayer Scroll as a reward from Undead Pirates, allowing players to avoid completion of King’s Ransom. As we all know, this didn’t make it past the polls. Whilst you made it clear that having Chivalry unlock from Undead Pirates in the Wilderness didn’t feel appropriate, there was an appetite for changes to Chivalry to give it a real use and serve as a better milestone in your journeys throughout Gielinor.
With Royal Titans and our proposals for Deadeye and Mystic Vigour, we believe that changes to Chivalry do make sense here, allowing it to sit in line with these new offerings to effectively be the Melee component of a new tier of Prayers: Chivalry, Deadeye and Mystic Vigour, sitting below Piety, Rigour and Augury.
Having said all of that, we’d like to propose a few changes to Chivalry so that it sits alongside these two new offerings:
Prayer(s) | Attack % | Strength % | Defence % | Prayer Requirement | Drain rate | Account progression unlock timing |
Chivalry (Current) | 15 | 18 | 20 | 60 (+ 65 Defence) | 2 point per 3 seconds | Mid game, alongside Piety |
Chivalry (Proposed) | 18 | 18 | 5 | 60 | 1 point per 3 seconds | Mid game |
Chivalry (Proposed) + Steel Skin | 18 | 18 | 5 (+ 15) | 60 | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | Mid game |
Piety | 20 | 23 | 25 | 70 (+ 70 Defence) | 2 points per 3 seconds | Mid game, alongside Chivalry |
There’s a lot going on here, let’s go step-by-step!
The increase in Attack boost is largely there to make Chivalry a more significant step up from Incredible Reflexes + Ultimate Strength, and sits in line with the bonuses offered by Deadeye and Mystic Vigour. In the same breath, reducing the Defence boost brings it in line with these new offerings and allows the usage of Steel Skin alongside. The benefit here, particularly with a heavy focus on gear switching from this update, is that if you need additional Defence then you can leave Steel Skin on and just swap between Chivalry, Deadeye and Mystic Vigour, rather than seeing Steel Skin disabled whenever you swap to Chivalry.
The reduction in Drain rate means Chivalry drains more slowly than Piety, since it currently drains at the same rate (and that feels a little unusual for an objectively weaker Prayer), while bringing it in line with the proposed Drain rates for Mystic Vigour and Deadeye.
As we identified the first time around, we believe that Chivalry’s current position is a little beyond the point of its usefulness. With this in mind, we’d like to move it earlier in the same storyline as a reward from completing the Holy Grail. This means Piety remains a meaningful unlock, while giving players something to work towards in the build-up to King’s Ransom.
The Defence requirement removal ties into our approach to Drain rates for Deadeye and Mystic Vigour, where we’re aiming to keep them consistent with Eagle Eye or Mystic Might combined with Steel Skin, but letting players use Steel Skin for better Defence in exchange for a higher drain. Additionally, moving the prayer from King’s Ransom (which requires 65 Defence) to Holy Grail (which has no Defence requirement) means it can be unlocked much earlier on in a player’s journey.
In doing so, we’d like to propose adjusting the Holy Grail reward to be lamps, so that more players are able to make use of Chivalry without others having to miss out. We understand that XP lamps or adjustments of this nature are often controversial, but we believe it’s a valuable change to make here to allow more players access and give more use to Chivalry. We’ve made similar changes in the past with allowing players to return to Ape Atoll and even complete Monkey Madness II without accepting Daero’s training. We also aim to provide Combat XP via lamps for new quest releases so that as many players as possible are able to experience and enjoy the content.
Outside of Chivalry itself, Holy Grail’s completion doesn’t unlock a whole lot, so this shouldn’t represent a significant change in how different builds progress, but will give them the option to gain access to a stronger Prayer if they’re willing to gain a hefty number of Combat levels in return!
As always, we’re excited for your thoughts on this one, just keep it civil!
Poll Question #3: Should we adjust the Chivalry prayer alongside the Royal Titans update, as described in the blog?

Eldric and Brandr are no strangers to spot of magic, so they never go anywhere without their trusty spellbook. While the pages within might prove impossible for you to decipher for yourself, they’re still worth nabbing if you’re able to!
Alongside looting the bosses or sacrificing your loot for an extra roll on the pet, you’ll have a third choice available to you: stealing dessicated pages from the Royal Titans’ spellbooks. On their own, these pages aren’t particularly impressive, but take them to a Pyromancer or dip them into the Rewards Pool at Tempoross and you’ll be able to turn them into Burnt or Soaked pages!
The reasoning here is that Burnt and Soaked pages have no Combat-oriented drop source. We believe that a piece of content leaning heavily into Elemental Weaknesses represents a perfect opportunity to add a reliable source of these pages, at the expense of a traditional loot roll. At the moment, we’re targeting an average of 8-12 of these pages every time you choose to steal from the Titans’ books, which should work out at less loot than your regular loot/uniques, but still give you the option to target-farm pages if you’d like.
We’re hoping that this should help address some of that hesitancy to use your Elemental spells without having the pages, while feeling like it takes far too long to grab these pages for them to feel worth using. It should also make for an interesting niche to give you rewards to come back for long-term!
Poll Question #4: Should we add Desiccated Pages as a reward from the Royal Titans, as described in the blog? These pages can be converted into Burnt or Soaked pages, but cannot be obtained alongside regular loot from the bosses.

For real this time, that’s all we’ve got! Let’s sum things up.
The Royal Titans are a dual boss located in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, designed to be fought by duos (though you’re able to fight them solo or in larger groups) with a heavy focus on gear switching for mid-game players, as a step up from the likes of Scurrius or Perilous Moons. For your troubles, you could earn a unique staff with some interesting interactions with the Elemental Weakness system, a new source of pages for the Tome of Fire and Water, and brand new prayers (Deadeye and Mystic Vigour) to chase before setting your sights on Chambers of Xeric for Rigour and Augury, we’re also looking at adjustments to Chivalry so that it slots in alongside these two in a more sensible fashion. If you’re a more-experienced player, you’ll be able to earn a brand new pet and can use a ‘Sacrifice’ system similar to Araxxor’s to improve your odds.
We’ve got a short survey for you to fill out if you’ve got a few minutes to spare! Click on the button below to be whisked away to the survey, which should steer clear of any of the recent survey troubles we’ve been experiencing – fingers crossed!

Please share your thoughts with us! We’re excited to see the Royal Titans come together and make its way to you in 2025 and want to make sure you feel we’ve got a sensible set of well-positioned rewards before polling them later this month. Take care, and try to to avoid getting caught in the middle of eternal conflict between two ancient elemental giants, it happens to the best of us!

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The Old School Team.