Mystic Vigour Prayer Update For Pures – OSRS

Mystic Vigour is unlocked as an untradeable reward from Brandr. When the prayer is unlocked it overrides Mystic Might in the prayer book. When active, it gives an 18% boost to the player’s Magic attack and defence, 5% boost to defence, and increases the player’s Magic damage by 3%. It cannot be used in conjunction with any of the other prayers that provide a Magic, Ranged, Attack, or Strength bonus. Mystic Vigour, along with Deadeye are the only two prayers that provide a defence bonus that can be used alongside prayers with a defence boost such as Thick Skin, Steel Skin, or Rock Skin. The defence boost with multiple prayers is additive.

Prayer(s)Magic Attack/Defence %Magic Damage %Defence %Prayer RequirementDrain rateAccount progression unlock timing
Mystic Lore + Rock Skin10110261 point per 3 secondsVery early game
Mystic Might1520441 point per 3 secondsEarly game
Mystic Might + Steel Skin15215441 point per 1.5 secondsEarly game
Mystic Vigour1835631 point per 3 secondsMid game
Mystic Vigour + Steel Skin1835 + 15631 point per 1.5 secondsMid game
Augury25425771 point per 1.5 secondsLate game