Mortytania Shooting Star Guide -OSRS

1 – Canifis Bank

* Khayrll Teleport

* Fairy Ring (CKS)

* Salve Graveyard Teleport

2 – Burgh de Rott Bank

* Morytania Legs 3 or 4

* Mort’ton Teleport

* Grouping Teleport (Shades of Mort’ton)

3 – Abandoned Mine

* Morytania Legs 3 or 4

* Mort’ton Teleport

* Grouping Teleport (Shades of Mort’ton)

4 – Ver Sinhaza Bank (TOB)

* Drakan’s Medallion (Ver Sinhaza)

* Andras’ Boat

5 – Daeyalt Essence Mine

* Drakan’s Medallion (Darkmeyer)