Shooting Star Scouting Inventory Guide – OSRS

Runescape Star hunting setups to make it easier and faster to get to landing sites!

This is the absolute max scouting teles and gear.

I forgot to get quest cape for legends guild tele, replace 1 glory, not necessary just nice to get to Edgeville (for soul wars star), Draynor and al Kharid stars quicker than teleing to jewellery box in house(Better still grab a 55m eternal glory haha).

I also leave out karamja gloves as the CKR tai bwo fairy ring allows me to see if theres a star(as I don’t often mine) there, and gets me closest to nature altar star.

I also have a max house for portal nexus/jewellery box/spirit tree and fairy ring in house and mounted digsite pendant in house for fossil island(also have xerics tali mounted but i like to carry one anyway)

Ring of the elements for water altar (Lum swamp stars) and Fire altar( for pvp arena and al kharid mine).

I have made life a little easier using Runelites shift left click change for the following items

-Desert amulet to Nardah

-Morytania legs to burgh

-Ardy cloak to monastery

-Myths cape to guild

-Camulet to entrance for quarry

-Radas blessing to mt Karuulm(for bank and mine star)

I’ve also got mos le harmless and lunar isle teles in my master scroll book, (you can add nardah, piscatoris and feldip scrolls if you want but theyre expensive)

Desert amulet 4 is huge for no waterskins (though circlet of water is just as good) and for teleing to Nardah bank


-sub achievement diary rewards for fairy rings/alternatives

-sub book of dead for just xerics tali to inferno to get to lovakite and lojakengj)

-fishers flute to get to piscarillius (after queen of thieves)

-sub lyre for lunar scroll (and get kicked off of lunar by teleing to a bank for relekka), or relekka boots or poh tab

-sub western banner for piscatoris fairy ring(AKQ)

-DKS tele on fairy ring for keldagrim entrance/relekka star

-CIP fairy ring for miscellania

-Myth cape to corsair resource area and cove and myth guild (corsair resource is same speed from myth cape tele)

-quest cape to legends(sub that for BLR fairy ring)

-(sub myth cape for feldip spirit tree in house after one small favour)

-khazard tele tabs for khazard port star and yanille bank

-Sub construction cape for scrolls of redirection on house tabs to rimmington, taverly and brimhaven house portals

-sub ardy cloak for ardy teles(however this is pog for monastery teles), or just blr fairy ring to legends star

-Make sure Camulet is set to unlimited teles for 1m gp with ichlarin(instead of recharging with dung)

-sub royal seed pod for spirit tree in house/sub for slayer ring to get to relekka slayer cave for fastest tele to fairy ring out side, or ardy cloak to monastery for a quick fairy ring access

-sub diary cape for varrock teles to get to varrock bank star

-necklace of passage(enchant jade necklace) is HUGE for eagles eyrie/uzer star

-Falador tabs for both Falador star(or ring of wealth to get to falador stars to falador park closest to bank

-sub glory for jewellery box in house(ranging guild teles(closest to coal trucks) and monastery teleport(dwarven mine star) and falador park to fally east bank star)

-sub diary cape for varrock tabs and tzhaar cave teles to get to fight pits tele and tbh can tele to draynor bank with twiggy o’korn, (is actually faster)

If theres subs I’m missing let me know however teles can all be found on URL.

only missing Enchanted lyre/Amulet of eternal glory/Slayer ring (eternal)/Master scrollbook + telle
