1 – Duel Arena
* Ring of Dueling (Duel Arena)
2 – Al Kharid Mine
* Ring of Dueling (Duel Arena)
3 – Al Kharid Bank
* Amulet of Glory (Al Kharid)
* Gnome Glider to Kar-Hewo
* Ring of Dueling (Duel Arena)
4 – Desert Quarry
* Camulet
* Pharaoh’s Sceptre (Jaldraocht)
* Ferry from Al Kharid to the Ruins of Unkah
5 – Agility Pyramid Mine
* Pharaoh’s Sceptre (Jalsavrah)
* Nardah Teleport
* Desert Amulet 2, 3 or 4
6 – Nardah Bank
* Nardah Teleport
* Desert Amulet 2, 3 or 4
* Fairy Ring (DLQ)
7 – Uzer Mine
* Necklace of Passage (Eagle’s Eyrie)
- * Magic Carpet from Shantay Pass to Uzer
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