Towards the end of 2024, we shared with you some improvements we’d like to make to Bounty Hunter, and today those changes go live!
The aim is to address some common issues with build variety and balance, make some of the lesser-used rewards more worthwhile, and support different approaches to Honour PvP.
Conveniently, Bounty Hunter is confined entirely to Daimon’s Crater on specific worlds, which lets us tinker with all kinds of options that would usually affect the rest of the game.
While we’ve shared all this info before, we’ll save you trawling back through the archives and bring you up to speed on everything that’s changing today, starting with changes to Bounty Hunter-exclusive gear!
Weapon and Armour Adjustments
Remember, these changes pertain only to items that are obtained from and used within Bounty Hunter. Nothing that you see in this list has any impact on the wider game, so don’t start running the numbers on whether or not the Dragon Longsword (bh) is worth using at the Wardens – it’s not!
Ordinarily we’d use stats images for all of these, but there are far too many for us to go over so we’ll save you some mobile data (we know you’re reading this at work!) and pop it into a handy list for you all:
- Dark Bow (bh): Increase Special Attack Energy from 45% to 55%.
- Barrelchest Anchor (bh): Reduce Attack requirement from 60 to 50. Reduce Attack delay after a successful Special Attack by 2 ticks, meaning your next attack would hit 4 ticks after a successful Special Attack.
- Dragon Mace (bh): Reduce Special Attack Energy from 25% to 15%.
- Dragon Longsword (bh): Reduce Special Attack Energy from 25% to 15%.
- Morrigan’s Throwing Axe (bh): Buff Special Attack to have 150% Accuracy. Increase Special Attack damage from 20% – 120% to 50% – 150% of your max hit.
- Morrigan’s Javelin (bh): Buff Special Attack to have 150% Accuracy. The bleed damage from the Special Attack will occur every tick instead of every three ticks. The bleed damage from the Special Attack will be 75% of the initial damage. The bleeding damage will be increased from 5 to 10.
- Statius’s Warhammer (bh): Successful Special Attack hit will reduce the opponents’ Defence by 75%, up from 30%.
- Vesta’s Spear (bh): Reduce attack delay after a successful Special Attack by 1 tick, meaning your next attack would hit 4 ticks after a successful Special Attack. Minimum damage for the second hit deals 50% of the initial damage, up from 25%. The maximum damage for the second hit is unchanged.
- Zuriel’s Staff (bh): Reduce Attack requirement from 75 to 30.
- Morrigan’s Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability.
- Morrigan’s Leather Body (bh): Reduce defences from 61 to 35 Stab, 53 to 30 Slash, 66 to 40 Crush, 62 to 37 Ranged.
- Morrigan’s leather chaps (bh): Reduce defences from 35 to 18 Stab, 29 to 15 Slash, 37 to 20 Crush, 35 to 22 Ranged.
- Corrupted Morrigan’s Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability.
- Corrupted Morrigan’s Leather Body (bh): Reduce defences from 27 to 14 Stab, 20 to 10 Slash, 24 to 12 Crush, 28 to 15 Ranged.
- Corrupted Morrigan’s Leather Chaps (bh): Reduce defences from 18 to 9 Stab, 15 to 7 Slash, 16 to 8 Crush, 19 to 11 Ranged.
- Vesta’s Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability so that Statius stands out as the tankier choice.
- Vesta’s Chainbody (bh): Reduce defences from 74 to 55 Stab, 81 to 59 Slash, 89 to 62 Crush, 95 to 85 Ranged.
- Vesta’s Plateskirt (bh): Reduce defences from 55 to 39 Stab, 64 to 42 Slash, 67 to 45 Crush, 71 to 59 Ranged.
- Corrupted Vesta’s Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability so that Corrupted Statius stands out as the tankier choice.
- Corrupted Vesta’s Chainbody (bh): Reduce defences from 25 to 18 Stab, 32 to 21 Slash, 34 to 23 Crush, 30 to 21 Ranged.
- Corrupted Vesta’s Plateskirt (bh): Reduce defences from 22 to 14 Stab, 20 to 11 Slash, 18 to 16 Crush, 22 to 15 Ranged.
- Corrupted Statius Armour: Nerfs to some defensive capabilities as it’s a little too tanky for its level range.
- Corrupted Statius’s Platebody (bh): Reduce defences from 50 to 35 Stab, 46 to 31 Slash, 44 to 29 Crush, 45 to 33 Ranged.
- Corrupted Statius’s Full Helm (bh): Reduce defences from 17 to 10 Stab, 20 to 13 Slash, 14 to 8 Crush, 18 to 11 Ranged.
- Zuriel’s Armour and Corrupted Zuriel’s Armour – Adjust 15% special magical attack accuracy when full set is worn to a flat 25% accuracy bonus for magical attacks (spells and special attacks).
- Zuriel’s Hood (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 8 to 18.
- Corrupted Zuriel’s Hood (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 5 to 12.
- Zuriel’s Robe Top (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 35 to 58.
- Corrupted Zuriel’s Robe Top (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 25 to 46.
- Zuriel’s Robe Bottom (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 25 to 46.
- Corrupted Zuriel’s Robe Bottom (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 18 to 32.
These new stats should address imbalances between builds and add a bit more appeal to some historically overlooked unlocks. Let the meta shakeups begin!
… in one moment. First, we want to highlight some further changes to the charge costs of some of the Bounty Hunter items, which should better reflect their strength and popularity. While risking 50,000,000 GP for a Vesta’s Longsword feels fair, risking the same amount for Statius’s Warhammer just means that most people don’t bother bringing their Warhammer out. Here are the new charge costs of five different weapons:
- Vesta’s Spear (bh): 5 million GP
- Statius’s Warhammer (bh): 10 million GP
- Morrigan’s Throwing Axe (bh): 5 million GP
- Morrigan’s Javelin (bh): 10 million GP
- Zuriel’s Staff (bh): 5 million GP
If you’ve already paid to charge some of these, we’ve added a message in-game to let you know that you’re all the 1,000,000th visitor to Daimon’s Crater and are eligible for a refund, which you can obtain by chatting to the Emblem Trader inside the lobby – don’t spend it all at once!
Systems and Other Changes
New stats aside, we’ve also made some changes to the underlying systems in Bounty Hunter to make this minigame a bit more enjoyable for everyone.
Up first, it’s time to hang up those Phoenix Necklaces. The trusty Phoenix Necklace is fantastic to help stave off death in multi-combat PvP but can lead to some anti-fun play patterns in the 1v1 Honour PvP that occurs inside Bounty Hunter. Used correctly, they’re able to make players – in lower brackets especially – effectively immortal. We believe fights would be more enjoyable without them, so we’re throwing them out.
Next up, we’re doubling the rate at which players gain EP in the Crater when they have a target and a minimum risk of 50,000 GP. This won’t drastically increase your reward output, and we have high confidence in our anti-griefing systems. Remember though – we have zero tolerance for boosting in Bounty Hunter.
We also felt that Daimon’s Crater could use a splash of colour, so we’re bringing back the iconic Bounty Hunter skulls! These let you easily determine another players’ risked GP and let you see whether or not a cheeky target might have sneakily pulled out a new Special Attack weapon at the Bank, or dumped a bunch of their risked GP on the sly. We’re also disabling trading inside the crater to prevent players swapping risk to another account before starting a fight! Here’s how it works:
- If you’re risking less than 200,000 GP, you’ll have a bronze skull.
- If you’re risking between 200,000 and 800,000 GP, you’ll have a silver skull.
- If you’re risking between 800,000 GP and 2 million GP, you’ll have a green skull.
- If you’re risking between 2 million and 8 million GP, you’ll have a blue skull.
- If you’re risking more than 8 million GP, you’ll have a red skull.
Rounding us off is perhaps the most significant of all of these changes: Supply Crates!

Not to be confused with Bounty Crates, Supply Crates are something you’ll be able to put together in the lobby by stuffing 8 Blighted Manta Rays or Anglerfish, 1 Blighted Super Restore, 2 Blighted Karambwan and 1,000 GP into a crate. You can use noted items to make a bunch of crates, but you’ll only be able to bring two into the crater with you. You’ll be able to open these helpful care packages while in combat inside the crater to extend fights.
The aim here is to give prospective Bounty Hunters a better shot at killing their opponent and have more opportunities to do so before needing to bank. The nature of Bounty Hunter’s Honour PvP means you’re looking for that perfect window of opportunity: a flawlessly timed Vengeance, an opponent caught drinking a potion, a lightning-fast combo… you get the picture. If you’re fighting a build that has higher DPS (for example, a Pure vs. a Zerker) then you’ll often find yourself eating the entire time and leaving before getting the chance to at least try and kill your opponent, which isn’t much fun for either of you!
Supply Crates mean you’ll spend less time returning to the lobby, and more time actually fighting. Combined with the EP changes above, we reckon this will improve the Bounty Hunter experience and considerably reduce downtime.
We’ll be keeping an eye out on your feedback about these changes, but for now, just go enjoy them!