You might recall that back in May, we introduced some “absolutely cloggers” updates aimed at making your Collection Log journey smoother, more satisfying, and more fun to track. Well, good news – we’ve just added a fresh batch of updates, so let’s dive right in and take a closer look at what’s been added.
A fresh new look
Let’s kick things off with the revamped Collection Log overview! We’ve given the interface a complete makeover to make tracking your progress smoother and more enjoyable. Everything is now neatly organized into a single, streamlined summary.

This fresh layout will make it a breeze to navigate your log, so you can stay focused on the important stuff: collecting. With all your progress in one place, you can effortlessly track your achievements and see how close you are to snagging those elusive items.
The ranking system
We know hunting down those Collection Logs can be grind. To help you stay on track, we’ve added a ranking system based on how many collections you’ve logged.
Here’s what you’re working towards:
- Bronze Rank: 100 collections
- Iron Rank: 300 collections
- Steel Rank: 500 collections
- Black Rank: 700 collections
- Mithril Rank: 900 collections
- Adamant Rank: 1,000 collections
- Rune Rank: 1,100 collections
- Dragon Rank: 1,200 collections
- Gilded Rank: Percentage based, 90% of total log slots rounded down to the nearest 25 (around 1,400 collections currently)
Additionally, along the bottom of your interface, you can now see the 12 most recent items added to your log – perfect for keeping track of your freshest loot at a glance.
To truly make the experience your own, the new interface is also resizable and movable. Plus, it stays open during other in-game actions, so you can track your progress seamlessly while skilling, fighting bosses, or engaging in other activities.
Cosmetic rewards
When you hit certain milestones in your Collection Log, head over to The Collector in the Varrock Museum to claim your Staff of Collection. Reach new ranks, and you’ll earn a staff that matches the tier you’ve unlocked. The best part? You can Right-Click your staff to create an equipable corresponding book. Show off your Collection Log achievements in style!

Historical Clogs for Ironmen
No, we’re not introducing charming wooden shoes to the game – but for Ironman players, this is just as good! You can now add historically gained items to your Collection Log.
We understand how frustrating it’s been that the Collection Log didn’t track items earned before its introduction in December 2018 – especially for those who’ve already completed the grind and don’t want to start over. But worry no more! If you’ve obtained these items as an Ironman, you can now retroactively fill in those slots by simply using the items on your Collection Log book.
So, how does it work?
- This feature applies to a specific list of whitelisted, tradeable items that were part of the log when it launched.
- Alternative or upgraded versions of certain items (e.g., Zaryte Crossbow instead of the Armadyl Crossbow used to craft it) can also be added.
- Simply use the eligible item on your Collection Log book, and it’ll be recorded as part of your achievements.
- Please note that Group Ironman accounts are not eligible for this feature since that game mode was introduced after the Collection Log.
Now you can finally display proof of your accomplishments – the Ironman way!
Collection Log HiScores
Not only will you be able to flaunt your shiny new staff and book, but you’ll also have the chance to climb the ranks on our brand-new Collection Log HiScores board. Get collecting and see how far you can get!