1 – Taverley (White Wolf Tunnel Entrance)
* Taverley Home Teleport
* Games Necklace (Burthrope)
* Combat Bracelet (Warrior’s Guild)
2 – Dwarven Mine Entrance
* Lassar Teleport
* Combat Bracelet (Monastery)
* Mind Altar Teleport
* Skull Sceptre
3 – West Falador Mine
* Falador Teleport (with 5 agility to use Crumbling Wall)
* Skills Necklace (Crafting Guild)
* Crafting Skillcape
4 – Mining Guild Entrance
* Skills Necklace (Mining Guild)
* Ring of Wealth (Falador Park)
* Falador Teleport
5 – Crafting Guild
* Skills Necklace
* Crafting Skillscape
* Rimmington House Teleport
6 – Rimmington Mine
* Rimmington House Teleport
* Grouping Teleport (Rat Pits at Port Sarim)
* Explorer’s Ring
* Spirit Tree (Self Grown)