Setup 1
Max Eff (~45 kills/hr)
Arceeus – Bloods / Cosmics / Fires (And 1 rune of any of Chaos, Death or Law)
Setup 2
Bow only (~28 kills/hr)
Arceeus – Bloods / Cosmics / Fires (And 1 rune of any of Chaos, Death or Law)
Gear Advice
● It is a common misconception that using better arrows doesn’t make a difference against Zulrah. The initial damage roll still rolls between 0-maxhit then any damage roll above a 50 rerolls to a random value between 45-50. Therefore hitting above 50 more often will result in more 45-50 hits.
● Zul-andra teleports are for teleporting to Zulrah to start the initial kill after banking. Whenever you need to get to Zulrah, it is always better to use a teleport than to use the fairy ring.
● Downgrade to a Sanguinesti staff and Arcane spirit shield if you don’t own a Shadow of Tumeken. Bringing thralls is slightly better than vengeance.
● For ranged weapons: Twisted Bow > Blowpipe (ddarts) > Bow of Faerdhinen (in full crystal) > Blowpipe (amethyst darts)
● If you don’t have full crystal, don’t use the Bow of Faerdhinen.
Setup 1
● This setup is geared towards the highest kills/hr, teleporting to regen spec and hp every kill.
● It is also geared towards utilising the pillar stalling technique. This method allows you to do more damage and take less damage by making Zulrah attack you at a slower rate, therefore prolonging the phase. The method is explained in more detail below.
● Since the Shadow is 5t, you will often end up with a bunch of dead ticks at the end of a phase. Taking a Sanguinesti Staff allows you to optimise your number of attacks and fill up as many ticks as possible. The numbers in brackets denote how many sang hits you should do
Rot 1: green(1) > red(2) > blue > south green (3 after pillar stall, when snakelings spawn) > red(1)
Rot 2: green(1) > red(2) > blue > west green > blue
Rot 3: green(1) > blue > green > blue
Rot 4: green(1) > green(2) > red(1) > blue
● The Toxic Blowpipe is once again higher DPS on blue phases since the release of Masori. Use the Twisted Bow for tick fixes, last hits and pillar stalling if you’re in max gear.
● It can be useful to have an alt account standing outside near the dock to cast Vengeance on you, as well as to pick up loot that you drop from your main account. This saves you time from interacting with the deposit chest.
Setup 2
● This setup is primarily for people looking to farm Zulrah for gp on an alt account. The loss of kills per hour compared to hybridding isn’t worth it if you’re killing Zulrah on your main.
● The Toxic Blowpipe is optional. It is only useful for healing with the Special Attacks to regen some health during blue phase, or for pillar stalling if you wish to do so.
Pillar Stalling