Smithing Ironman F2P GUIDE
1-29 The Knights Sword
29-99 Iron
Method #1: Superheating Iron (EHP)
27,000 XP/HR
40,900 XP/HR
The best place to mine and superheat iron is in the Dwarven mine, near the anvil, at the 2 iron rock spawn. You simply superheat iron in between the iron spawning, walk to the anvil, smith platebodies, run and drop platebodies back to the iron.
Inventory: Fire staff, nature runes, rune pickaxe, reindeerhat (optional), and a hammer
Method #2: Superheating Iron with snow
30,000 XP/HR
45,400 XP/HR
Identical to Method #1, but you use snow to save ~1 tick per iron. This is done by picking up snow 2 ticks before the iron respawns. You want to spawn snow the same tick you mine your first iron after 2 sets of iron mined for that snow pile. Another way to look at it is to spawn snow on your 5th iron of every snow pile. Each snow pile yields 6 iron
Inventory: Fire staff, nature runes, rune pickaxe, reindeerhat, and a hammer
Method #3: Rings of Forging
15,000 XP/HR
900 Ores/HR
1,000 Smelts/HR
620 Platebodies/HR
Mine iron at mining guild and bank at Falador east bank. Then, smelt at Edgeville furnace with rings of forging. Afterwards, smith iron platebodies at Varrock anvil. You can enchant rings of forging at Murky Matt in the GE, and get rubies from various monsters/random events.
banking iron:
Smelting ore:
Making plate bodies:
Method #4: Telegrabbing Nats (Wildy)
1500-1700 Nats/HR (Standard) 2500-3000 Nats/HR (Double Hop)
Telegrabbing nats is the best way to obtain nature runes for superheating. Superheating is the best smithing XP, as well as giving completely 0 time #magic XP. Unfortunately, the spot is multi and in deep wilderness. It is recommended that you wait until high melee stats (80’s are the bare minimum).
Escaping Pkers
Best way to escape pkers is to run southwest into singles. Once you’re there, you’re pretty much safe. If they’re still attacking you, just run to level 20 wilderness and teleport, or the wilderness ditch. Pkers in this area are generally 80-90 combat, so once you reach 20 wilderness they cant attack you anymore, and you can hop to get rid of teleblock.
Anchovy Pizzas are the best food to bring. The FIRST bite of every pizza has only a 1 tick delay, as apposed to 2 tick delay for normal food. This means you can eat the first bite of each pizza very fast for 9 health gained per second.
The best gear to wear and best protection prayer to use, varies. But to keep it simple, its best to use full rune with green dhide body, and defence amulet. Can also use Cwars boots to get some extra defence.
The best prayers to use are protect from magic, mystic might, and steel skin.
Double Hop: