Ultimate Kalphite Queen OSRS Boss Guide

Setup 1

On task – Melee/Shadow

Lunar – Death/Earth/Astral Keris partisan on crush

Setup 2

On task – Melee/Ranged

Lunar – Death/Earth/Astral Scythe of vitur on crush (ONLY IF YOU HAVE INQUISITORS)

Setup 3

On task – Mage only

Lunar – Death/Earth/Astral



● Keris partisan of breaching (0 DWH) / Scythe of Vitur (1 or more DWH) → Inquisitor’s mace + Defender → Keris partisan (without breaching) → Abyssal bludgeon

● If you don’t own a Tumeken’s shadow, use Setup 2. Otherwise the setups with shadow are better.

● Only use the Amulet of blood fury if you’re below 80 hp. Use the Amulet of torture to spec

● Do NOT use a Berserker Ring (i) with an Abyssal Bludgeon, simply camp the Ring of Suffering (ri)


● tl;dr: Use Protect from Magic for both phases.

● It doesn’t matter whether you pray mage or range against either phase, just make sure you stand in melee distance during the both phases.

● If there is more than 1 person in the lair, always use Protect from Magic as the mage attack bounces between people. Also try and stand on opposite sides so the Ranged attack won’t hit both players.

Kill Advice

● Walk under KQ:

→ While eating

→ When it is switching forms

→ Between DWH specs

→ Between Scythe/Shadow hits

● You can switch rings after each Scythe hit if you walk under between each hit for maximum DPS (this is completely optional):

● KQ’s range and mage attacks have 100% accuracy. This means your range and mage def are completely ignored. However KQ’s melee attack does account for your defence, so you should stand in melee range during both forms as you will take less damage overall.

● POH between every kill.

● Make sure you use your Divine potions before using the pool, ideally just after the kill so your pool action doesn’t get stalled.

● Special attacks: Dragon warhammer twice and kill or Volatile at the start of the kill and then save the second spec for the second phase (should recharge by then)

First KQ Head – Method 1

● If you’re hunting for the KQ Head for the diary, use this setup and stay in the room for as many kills as possible.

● The pouch contains Death, Earth and Astral runes for Vengeance.

● SGS spec the Kalphite workers in between kills.

● The Sanguinesti Staff is essential for this method. The Elysian Spirit Shield and Ancestral are not essential. Downgrade the shield to any offensive mage shield (Arcane, Mages Book, etc.) and downgrade the Ancestral to Ahrim’s.

● It is highly recommended to use the suicide method described in cerberus while hunting for the KQ Head. In this case, you ideally suicide more supplies than the amount described in cerberus. You would need to repeat step 5 multiple times before moving on to step 6 of the video.

● With the described suicide method, you can also just use setup 2 if you have the gear.

First KQ Head – Method 2

● If you don’t have a Sanguinesti Staff for the above method, this is the next best option.

● You should also stay in the room for as many kills as possible with this method.

● The pouch contains Death, Earth and Astral runes for Vengeance.

● Only use 1 DWH spec per kill.

● It is highly recommended to use the suicide method described in cerberus while hunting for the KQ Head. In this case, you ideally suicide more supplies than the amount described in cerberus. You would need to repeat step 5 multiple times before moving on to step 6 of the video.


KQ Meta by Allo (outdated gear but method stays the same)

Pre-diary Sanguinesti staff by Gherkins: