Ultimate F2P Magic Training Guide – OSRS

Method “#0” (EHP):

0-time superheat during mining + 0-time alching


Superheat and alch spells can be cast during other skills at no penalty to those skills xp/hr; enough to obtain 200m in all skills without needing to individually train magic.

Method #1:

teleblock splash + alch


178k/hr perfect tick, 176.8k/hr has been recorded


Wear full plate armor with green d’hide vambs. Splash teleblock on a mob/alt while alching. You can cast 1200 spells per hour, at 65 per alch and 83.6 per teleblock splash.

Method #2:

non splash Teleblock + alch


191.4 k/hour


Wear best magic gear. Align alts to follow each other across a safe zone border to reset the successful teleblocks. 1200 teleblocks (95 xp success, 83.6 xp fail) and alchs (65 xp) can be performed every hour. At lvl 85 magic with 2 alts at lvl 1 defence and magic the teleblock accuracy is 96.25 %, resulting in a theoretical xp rate of 191.4 k/hour. This is increased to 97.2 % and 191.6 k/hour at lvl 99 magic with wizard’s mind bomb +3, mystic might +15 % and similar alts.
