The Path of Crondis (Croc)
The Path of Crondis has 1 puzzle before fighting Zebak. The goal of the puzzle is to water the plant. Pick up a water vial from the middle of the room, run past the sepulchre like minigame, pick up water from the waterfall and water the plant in the middle. Kill/freeze red crocodiles with magic.
If you take damage running back after filling your vial, you lose some water.
If you don’t mess up (get hit on your way back or croc hitting tree), you’ll need 2 runs per person.
After completing the puzzle section of the Crondis path, you’ll be able to face off against Zebak.
Use ranged (TBow BIS), pray range against the big boulder and mage against the sand-colored vase (that splits into red orbs).
Zebak only has 2 special attacks, each of them starting off with him spitting acid. If during this attack there are boulders located around the room, you must clear the acid 1-3 tiles directly behind the boulder. Push/pull the jugs off water so that they clear the acid. The water jugs can be pushed diagonally, if they hit the boulder they will explode and clear the acid.
If during this attack there are no boulders, waves will spawn on either side of Zebak. There will be gaps in the wall (very similar to Galvek). Make sure to not get hit by the waves.
Claws work very well against Zebak.