Solo Wintertodt Tips – OSRS

Target HP is 5% – this will only decrease when BOTH the pyromancer is alive and burner is lit (otherwise this will increase slowly over time, which it is up to you to manage)

Important: Pyromancer dies after taking 2 hits from the boss

Target for efficient firemaking and construction xp is to keep the brazier lit as much as possible without killing the boss.

This is mainly achieved by manipulating game so that burner is lit when the pyromancer is dead (meaning the HP of WT will not deplete) for as much log feeding + brazier breaking potential as possible.

You should ALWAYS repair the brazier as soon as it is broken.


WT is at 5% hp or more:

focus on keeping pyromancer alive and burners lit at all times – you can heal pyromancer and light brazier in same game tick

WT is under 5% hp:

Always have EITHER alive pyromancer or lit brazier, but never both.

When Pyro is alive and brazier is unlit you should click to light the brazier during the game tick that the falling snow animation is above the pyromancer, this allows you to light the brazier and gain FM xp without depleting the WT’s HP whilst also having brazier break potential.

When the pyromancer is dead and you are feeding a lit brazier, in event of a falling snow attack on the brazier, in 1 tick, click the tile behind the pyromancer and then to heal the pyromancer so that he is instantly reduced to half hp by the brazier attack. This ensures that the next attack on the pyromancer will kill him and you will have another opportunity to light the brazier “for free” during the tick where he is about to die.