Runescape Changes to Teleblock and Extra Clan Wars Options

27 June 2019

Changes to Teleblock and Extra Clan Wars Options

This week brings the remaining polled changes that were discussed in the State of PvP blog in May.
Clan Wars: Extra Options
We have added multiple new options when setting up Clan Wars games:

  • Leaving channel – This setting can be used to toggle whether players leaving the clan chat are counted as a death or not.
  • Re-joining – An option for rejoining a clan chat during the game which would include “Unrestricted” or “60 second limit”.
  • Team Cap – An option to cap group fights to the following:
    • 5v5
    • 10v10
    • 15v15
    • 20v20
    • 30v30
    • Uncapped

Teleblock Changes

Killing the player or NPC that teleblocks you now removes the teleblock effect. A player who successfully removes their teleblock this way will not be immune to another.