PvP Balancing Imbued God Capes

PvP Balancing
Imbued God Capes

Imbued God Capes have been changed to behave as other untradeables do and turn to broken form when PK’d in PvP. Perdu will repair imbued God Capes for a fee of 75k. Players can also use trouver parchments on imbued God Capes to allow them to be kept in their unbroken state upon dying with them past level 20 Wilderness.

Magic Defence Calculation Changes Beta

In the Bounty Hunter Rework blog we discussed changing the way PvP Magic defence is calculated from 70/30 to 50/50 as it is in the Deadman worlds. This will not affect PvM.

Before any changes are made to the live game, we would like to test adjusting the way magic defence is calculated, these adjustments will go to a beta Thursday 19th September. While any testing is ongoing, we encourage you to try the changes and let us know what you think. If these changes are found to be unsuitable, equipment balancing will continue in the same manner it does now.