Old School Runescape Clans Soft Launch


It’s just one more week to go before the arrival of Clans! We’re so looking forward to the release of the highly anticipated system. It’s not only a great new way to play in its own right, but will also establish the fundamental groundwork we need to build the upcoming Group Ironman. Exciting times!

The Clans Hub in the Grand Exchange.

We also know that you’re eager to set up your Clan hierarchies, so we’ve worked with the fantastic Old School Wiki Team to bring you the full list of ranks and titles you can assign to your clanmates.

Clan Name Pre-Registration

If you applied to secure a Clan name for the upcoming release, we’ll be sending out confirmation messages this week. For those of you who have made it to the next stage of the process, your message will include an invite to a Discord server, and the Discord tag of the staff member who will be helping you. You’ll need to jump on the server and arrange a time to meet with us in-game and receive your name. Please keep an eye on your player inbox and don’t accept any links from Discord tags other than the one named in the message. If you missed it, check out last week’s newspost for more details.


Communication is key with Clans! To keep on top of your Clan chat, we’ve offering a new option to change the colour of each different chat type, so your Clan confabulations can be a different colour from your other conversations. You’ll find some new options on the ‘Chat’ tab within the Settings menu.

Additionally, the legacy chat channel that was known as ‘Friends Chat’ has been renamed. The old text will now appear in the ‘Channel’ tab of the Chatbox, freeing up the ‘Clan’ tab for next week.

Anything To Report?

This week’s update will mainly focus on behind-the-scenes changes in preparation for next week’s release. So, if anything is not performing as expected, please use the in-game bug report form. You’ll find it by right-clicking the red REPORT button at the bottom of the text box, and selecting the ‘Report game bug’ option. Here’s a short guide if you’re stuck.

That’s it for the soft launch. The Clans system will be fully accessible with next week’s game update on May 26th. See you there!