We are pleased to announce the game is back online!
All game worlds should be available including the nine additional Leagues worlds.
Thank you for your patience and support as the team worked to resolve the issues!
Happy ‘Scaping!
We’ve created a main hub for any known bugs, issues and the fixes that follow them in this handy newspost!
Messaging on the Pet Reclaim interface incorrectly states the player needs to pay 1,000,000 GP to reclaim their pet. | This will be resolved with our next game update. | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
We are currently working on launching some extra worlds for Leagues. | Nine extra worlds have been added: 423, 438, 439, 457, 461, 462, 502, 503 & 504. We’ve added seven extra worlds: 440, 441, 442, 541, 549, 550 & 551. | FIXED |
Minnows are currently only being caught 1 at a time. | A hotfix has been deployed to resolve the issue. | FIXED |
Some Group Ironman players are reporting missing items. | The team is currently investigating potential solutions and identifying those who may have been affected. | ONGOING |
Players are reporting it’s difficult to determine which pile of gold is yours whilst using Golden Brick Road. | A hotfix has been deployed. You will now only see coins that you are able to pick up from Golden Brick Road. | FIXED |
Some Fragments are spawning in locations where players are unable to retrieve them. | A hotfix has been deployed to stop fragments spawning in these locations. | FIXED |
The Profletchional Fragment was allowing players to gain excessive amounts of Fletching XP. | A hotfix has been released to resolve this issue. In addition to this, accounts identified that benefitted from this considerably will have the XP they gained reset. | FIXED |
Greedy Gatherer was not giving the correct amount of XP when used for Aerial Fishing. | A hotfix has been deployed to ensure the correct XP is given when the Greedy Gatherer Fragment is active. | FIXED |
Some players who manually completed Death Plateau and then auto-completed Troll I would find themselves in a weird state. | A hotfix has been deployed to resolve this. No more weirdness to be found here! | FIXED |
Players who had Mother’s Magic Fossils as their 4/4 Fragment for the Endless Knowledge set effect were unable to claim the Arcane Grimoire from The Sage. | A hotfix has been deployed to resolve this. Grab your grimoire and enjoy the ability to freely switch spellbooks anywhere! | FIXED |
Players who had Mother’s Magic Fossils as their 4/4 Fragment for the Endless Knowledge set effect were unable to claim the Arcane Grimoire from The Sage. | A hotfix has been deployed to resolve this. Grab your grimoire and enjoy the ability to freely switch spellbooks anywhere! | FIXED |
Some players have reported receiving duplicates of the same Fragment before unlocking new ones feels frustrating. | We appreciate the feedback and agree, especially as Fragment drops should feel exciting! A hotfix has been deployed to ensure that when you qualify for a Fragment drop, you’re more likely to receive one that you’re yet to unlock, rather than ones you’ve already unlocked. | FIXED |
We’ve seen your feedback regarding Fragment Set Effects that the activation requirements are slightly overtuned, and you’d like to access the power these effects offer a little earlier into your Shattered Relics journey. | We’d like to improve this, but we’re unable to hotfix any changes. As such, in next week’s game update, we’ll be lowering some Set Effect activation value requirements. Here’s what we’re changing: Fast Metabolism: 3 -> 2 Drakan’s Touch (4): 4 -> 3 Absolute Unit (4): 4 -> 3 Knife’s Edge (4): 4 -> 3 The Alchemist: 4 -> 3 The Craftsman: 4 -> 3 Greedy Gatherer (3): 3 -> 2 Greedy Gatherer (4): 4 -> 3 Personal Banker (4): 4 -> 3 Endless Knowledge: 4 -> 3 Last Recall: 5 -> 4 | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
The filters on the Fragment interface reset each time you reopen the menu, which can be frustrating. | In next weeks’ game update, we will be changing it so the filter on the Fragment menu saves your settings, even after logging out. We are also aware some of you feel that the UI for the Fragment menu is too small, especially for those of you with higher resolution monitors. For those experiencing issues with this, we would recommend turning off the ‘Buff Bar’ setting to see if that helps. We’ve also seen your desire for Fragment presets and we think this would be a great feature! Unfortunately, it will not be possible for us to do this for Shattered Relics. | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
Some bank locations are not allowing players to change their Fragment loadout or purchase quests as intended. | We have identified this issue is present at the following banks: Theatre of Blood Rogue’s Den These locations will be fixed in next week’s game update! | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
The Gnome 1 auto-complete quest packet contains Monkey Madness, but does not award the M’speak amulet. | We apologize for missing this and hope to get you chatting with the Monkeys very soon! This will be fixed in next week’s game update. | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
Completion of The Porcine of Interest does not count towards the task ‘Earn Slayer Points’, even though the quest rewards players with Slayer Points. | This will be fixed in next week’s game update. | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
The space available to change Fragments around The Sage is limited. | In next weeks’ game update, we’ll extend the area that allows you to change Fragments near the Sage by a few tiles East. This should mean the Waystone area is covered. No more running to The Sage just to run back! | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
When Fishing or Cooking with a full inventory, Fragments may drop to the floor. With so many people around these hotspot areas, there is a change of Fragments being deleted. | This is due to the game’s memory only being able to hold so many items on one tile at once. In next week’s game update, we’ll be increasing the value of Fragments so that the game prioritises them over other types of items. This should prevent them from being deleted as they drop to the ground. | COLDFIX – NEXT WEEK |
Group Storage Lost Items
January 21st – 17:00 GMT
Following our investigations into the Group Storage lost items issue, we have successfully identified all groups that were impacted and lost items as a result of the rollback performed on January 19th.
We are currently in the process of developing a system that will allow us to return most of what was lost to the groups impacted. This work should be complete soon and we hope to begin the item restoration process following next week’s game update.
If your group was impacted, each member of your group should receive an inbox message from us providing more information within the next 24 hours to their Group Iron account.
We can confirm that some groups were able to benefit from this and gained additional items in their Group Storage as a result. After further investigation we have determined the impact of these gains are not concerning, and we will not be taking further action against these groups.
Thank you for your continued patience as we’ve worked to resolve this issue.
January 19th – 18:00 GMT
We’ve received some reports regarding some Group Ironman players losing items that were connected to their Group Storage.
Group Storage is a relatively new system, and its data is stored in a separate location from your player’s own save file. This means any changes that were made to your Group Storage during the hour before the rollback have persisted.
The result of this is that any items withdrawn from Group Storage during that timeframe have been lost, and any items placed into Group Storage during that hour have been duplicated.
We believe a relatively low number of players/items have been impacted by this, but we are still investigating. It’s likely that we’ll have more accurate information in the morning. We are confident that we’ll be able identify any GIM player who was impacted, so you won’t need to report this to us directly.
We are currently investigating into potential solutions for this. It most certainly won’t be an overnight fix and we really appreciate your patience as we look to resolve this.
We will have more to share with you soon and we apologise for the inconvenience this has caused.
19th January – Server Downtime
January 19th – 16:15 GMT
Upon configuring some new worlds for use in Leagues III, we identified some issues with the new worlds that were affecting both main and leagues save profiles.
Once the issue was discovered, the decision was made to perform a rollback to main game accounts (to a save state just before the update launched).
Originally this was going to affect all accounts, however, we were able to keep the current progress of all accounts that had any Leagues progress with the only caveat being a wipe of the Leagues HiScores.
After the backup saves were restored and internal testing was completed, the game was put back online, along with the additional nine worlds we originally planned to launch.
Total downtime: 3 hours