Sub 4:00 Gauntlet
– Aim for 7 fish, 1 potion, a tier 3 weapon, and a tier 1 or higher second weapon if doing 5:1, otherwise at least tier 2. You will need 120-180 shards. Do not make armour. Do not go for double tier 3 for regular gauntlet, it is only worth it for corrupted.
– Pre-venge before going in and always take advantage of tick manipulation tricks to save time, these are covered in the video at the bottom, in the speedrun tips and tricks section of the video.
Enter the closest room, if there are no monsters reset. You want to quickly get a weapon frame and at least 20 shards, and any useful resources, then go back to the starting room.
– Make the best staff you can make, and make a vial if shards are left. Then go opposite the hunllef to get to the demi-boss rooms, gathering resources and fighting along the way. Explore adjacent rooms while fighting the demi-bosses, and lure the demi boss closer to the room you will go to next. The demi-bosses can spawn in these rooms:
– Once you have all your resources teleport back, if there are no demi-bosses in the 3 closest demi-boss rooms reset. If you’re just a few fish short it’s still worth sending.
– Make your items and cook your fish, going to the crafting bowl first if you need to make vials, otherwise go to whichever is further from the boss first. Make your potion in the boss room if you haven’t already made it.
– Enter the boss room praying range, and defeat it quickly. The video at the bottom has a boss tips and tricks section to help you speedrun the boss.
– Your goal is a 1:45 prep which requires a sub 2:15 boss, but any sub 2 prep still has decent odds. Here is an image showing the success rates of various boss times, assuming 1 redemption, 7 food, 5 ticks lost, for various weapon set-ups. Subtract the boss time from 4 minutes to find the prep time.
Sub 6:30 Corrupted Gauntlet
– Aim for 7 fish, 2 potions, tier 1 armour, a tier 3 weapon, and a tier 1 or higher second weapon if doing 5:1, otherwise at least tier 2. You will need 260-320 shards. If you happen to find two demi bosses, and shard count is decent, always make double tier 3s.
– Pre-venge before going in and always take advantage of tick manipulation tricks to save time, these are covered in the video at the bottom, in the speedrun tips and tricks section of the video.
Enter the closest room, if there are no monsters reset. You want to quickly get a weapon frame and at least 20 shards, and any useful resources, then go back to the starting room.
– Make the best staff you can make, and make vials if shards are left. Then, while gathering resources and fighting, go to the room opposite the hunllef, then the most convenient side room, and then the demi boss room that’s above that side room. Open up adjacent rooms while fighting demi bosses, and lure demi boss closer to the room you will go to The demi-bosses can spawn in these rooms:
– If you do not find all your resources after exploring all 3 demi boss rooms, explore to find more resources, while making your way to the next cluster of demi-bosses for more opportunities for tier 3 weapons.
– Once you have all your resources teleport back, if there are no demi-bosses in the 3 closest demi-boss rooms reset. If you’re just a few fish short it’s still worth sending.
– Make your items and cook your fish, going to the crafting bowl first if you need to make vials, otherwise go to whichever is further from the boss first. Make your potion in the boss room if you haven’t already made it.
– Enter the boss room praying range, and defeat it quickly. The video at the bottom has a boss tips and tricks section to help you speedrun the boss.
– Your goal is a 3:00 prep which requires a sub 3:30 boss, or a 3:30 prep if you have double tier 3s, which requires a 3:00 boss but is fine since you have double tier 3s. If it’s a bit slow it can still be worth sending. Here is an image showing the success rates of various boss times, assuming 3 redemptions, 7 food, 10 ticks lost, for various weapon set-ups. Subtract the boss time from 6:30 minutes to find the prep time.
Gauntlet and Corrupted Gauntlet Video Guide, there is also a 7 hour vod linked in the description of the video which shows an actual session attempting to get as many sub 4s and sub 6:30s as possible, it got 6 of each in those 7 hours, and there are time-stamps so you can skip to successful runs or learn from the failures