Flipping Secrets Runescape – OSRS

Flipping Secrets: 2 things to consider when picking an item

1. Volume: high volume items enables you to get in (buy) at large amounts, and get out (sell) at large amounts. In contrast, low volume items have low buyers and sellers so its impossible to get in or get out.

2. Price/Buy Limit: choose items either high in price (any buy limit), or medium price items (with high buy limit). This is so you can invest more money at once.

How to know when to buy/sell an item: Items generally move up and down in certain patterns

One pattern is the tunnel (support & resistance). Here are two examples:

Price generally travel in the tunnel but sometimes break past it. The hardest part is determining where to draw your red line.

The key is to draw the line where many points are touching. You’ll get better the more graphs you look at

Another pattern is the trending tunnel. This is used for items on an uptrend or a downtrend.

Easy right? Good… because there are ones harder to recognize

Using Osrs Daily Trend: If you’ve ever bought high and sold low, this trend will be your best friend.

This is used for items on an uptrend or downtrend.